Let’s do a fun year in review!! It’s amazing to me how much 2021 has flown by. Seriously, it feels like we just started the year and now here we are towards the end of it! Every year seems like they pass by faster and faster. Don’t they? Which means we need to soak up more of the time we spend with our family – especially our kids- and friends.
2022 will be my 5th year in being a photographer and I am so grateful for the journey I’ve been on since I’ve started. I’m grateful for all the families and seniors I have been able to photograph and create memories for them! My favorite part of doing this, are the families that come back year after year and seeing the kids grow – at incredible rates too!
So let’s celebrate 2021 with a look back on my favorite family and senior sessions from this year!
What’s new for 2022!
What are we doing different or new in 2022? Nothing much!!
My booking structure will be pretty much the same as it was last year. I think this worked well with trying not to overbook myself, especially in the fall. For family sessions, they will be held on Monday and Friday evenings and senior sessions will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
There are going to be more fun styled/themed mini sessions this year! I am hoping to do a spring indoor/studio mini session at the same location that my Pj minis were held at during Christmas. I’m hoping ??, that we can do sunflower minis this year as well. Timing did not work well for me to schedule and hold those due to my unexpected surgery. And lastly, another Christmas themed one!! It may be outside this time or inside or both!! We’ll see!! So if you’re interested in any of those and want to be notified of it before it goes public, hit the button below to get on my mailing list to find out!!
I hope to see you all again in 2022. Hopefully I’ll see some more NEW faces this next year! As a small business owner, I’d love if you’d refer your friends so I can continue to grow and thrive throughout this next year! I love watching you and your family grow and change.