You’ve booked your family session with a photographer, now what comes next? You want to make sure that everything goes well from location choice all the way to what to wear, but not sure where to start! I’ve created a checklist for you to make sure that you have all your ducks in a row when it comes to planning your family session.

- Get haircut/color done for everyone
- Narrow down your outfits (refer back to the style guide for more tips)
- Pack a bag of snacks and other items you think you might need – make sure these snacks are not sticky or chocolate.
Want to take it a step further? Make a prep kit! Fill it with items that you may need in case of outfit emergency or touch ups with make-up. Here are some ideas for your prep kit:
- safety pins
- stain remover
- lint roller
- blotting papers
- deodorant
- bobby pins
- mirror
- hair gel/spray

- Drink lots of water to help make skin look glowing!
- Outfits & accessories chosen placed together
- Undergarments for outfits chosen (no visible bra straps, etc)
- Iron/Steam outfits
- Props chosen and put together so you don’t forget to bring them (and communicated to photographer if bringing props)
- Clean/Trim/Paint Nails
- More important: Get lots of sleep

- Start the day with coffee, future self will thank current self for that one
- Make sure kids are fed snacks and have had a NAP that day. Trust me. It’s a huge deal and it helps tremendously!
- Don’t give food/drinks that will stain your mouth
- Give yourself lots of prep time so you don’t feel rushed
- Shave (guys face; girls legs, underarms)
- Eat before session, even just a snack
- Make sure to check in ahead of time if the weather looks like it might be cloudy or stormy
- Show up on time or be there a little earlier to ensure we can maximize our time together
- If anyone is feeling ill, please make us aware and plan a reschedule. There’s no fee to reschedule to a new date in case of illness. We’d rather all stay healthy than spread germs.
- Relax and rest up for the evening, we’re gonna have so much fun!!
I wish you the best of luck for your big day! Hopefully this family prep checklist will set you up for success. Haven’t booked your family portrait session yet but wanting to? Shoot me a message! I’d love to help you out!